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Vegetarian Black Bean Burger

Vegetarian Black Bean Burger

Have you ever tried to recreate your favorite dish from a restaurant?  That's what we did here!  This is our attempt at the Northstar burger (have you ever tried it?!? YUM!!!) - made with black beans and beets, delicious, and perfect for a meat-free dinner!  Meatless Monday, anyone?!?


  • 1 can organic black beans, rinsed
  • 1 cup cooked rice (we used organic brown rice)
  • 1/4 c. canned shoestring beets (or you can cook your own), chopped
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 1 organic egg
  • 1/2 cup organic breadcrumbs (or gluten-free option, such as chickpea crumbs)
  • 2 T. your favorite bbq sauce
  • 1/4 t. garlic powder
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Coconut oil spray


  • Preheat grill to medium-high heat
  • Cook onion and beets in a pan to soften
  • Rinse black beans and put into a glass bowl.  Smash the beans with a potato smasher (not sure if that is the technical term or not) or fork, until mostly smashed
  • Add all ingredients (including onions and beets) to the bowl of beans.  Mix with potato smasher or fork until everything is mixed together.
  • With your hands, gently divide the mixture into 6 equal parts.  Take each section and form a patty in your hand (just like a regular burger).
  • Spray each side of patty with coconut oil spray so it doesn't stick to the grill
  • Grill approximately 3-5 minutes per side, or until done to your liking
  • Top with your favorites - we used dijon mustard and chopped up pickles on ours and it was delicious!
  • Enjoy!!!



Check out our other blogs, healthy recipes, and natural supplements:


***Thank you Sarah Gearino for the inspiration behind this meal.  To try Sarah's take on the black bean burger check out her recipe:  The Best Black Bean Burger
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