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Review of Propello Life Collagen+ the best collagen protein powder

Review of Propello Life Collagen+

Blog by Eric Doernhoefer, owner of Renovo Fitness (bio below)

By now, I’m sure almost everyone who reads this has heard of the hot new supplement storming the market. I’m talking about collagen.

If you haven’t heard about collagen supplements, then I assume the rock that you reside under is very comfortable. LOL!

Collagen is all over the market these days, commonly taking the form of a powder supplement but, occasionally found in capsule and liquid form as well. There are a number of companies, flavors, and collagen sources to choose from so how do you know which one to pick? As a humble fitness studio owner and personal trainer, I would like to present you with my opinion.

Enter Propello Life.

My fitness studio is a small privately owned facility in central Ohio. As a small business owner I always root for the other local businesses and every now and then one of them makes a massive move that could rocket them from “local vendor” to “industry leader.”

Propello Life is a perfect example. If you are unfamiliar with Propello Life and their products I HIGHLY recommend checking them out. What you need to know is that they produce a whole lineup of natural supplements, including natural protein supplements, to help people reach their health and wellness needs while keeping their ingredients and sources as clean as possible.

I have yet to find a product from Propello Life that has one of those big scary ingredients that you need a doctorate to recognize. Very recently, Propello Life launched their first ever collagen product to the market, and they clearly took the time to do it right.

Propello Life Collagen+ is a powder that delivers 10.7 grams of collagen per serving. So is that good?

Studies have shown that introducing anywhere from 2.5 to 15 grams of collagen into the diet does in fact have a positive effect on the body.

So what does that mean?

What are the benefits of collagen?

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that has tons of benefits. In fact, your body makes plenty of its own until about your mid 20’s. After that, the body makes less and less as you age, which is a major contributing factor to signs of aging like wrinkles, achy joints, and poor mobility.

By ingesting collagen, it is used in the body more efficiently than other methods (such as topical creams) because your body recognizes it and can instantly put it to work! Collagen powder is a more holistic protein peptide compared to whey protein that tends to target muscle cells first. Collagen can diversify and spread throughout the body, leading to improvements in your skin, hair, nails, muscle tissue, joints, and even your bone density and digestive track!

You may be thinking, “Yeah, that sounds cool but collagen? I thought that was something I rubbed on my face or people get injected into their lips.” You’re not wrong, but it’s so much more than that.

According to a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, randomized, clinical study on the effectiveness of collagen peptide on osteoarthritis, researchers found “that collagen peptides are potential therapeutic agents as nutritional supplements for the management of osteoarthritis and maintenance of joint health.*

What makes Propello Life Collagen+ the best collagen protein powder?

Propello Life's Collagen+ separates from the rest of the options I have come across in 4 major ways.

First, they use a premium, tri-blend of collagen proteins that deliver on 5 types of collagen to support hair, skin, nails, and joints.

Second, they use Dermaval(tm); a clinically proven blend of fruits and vegetables sources to improve skin elasticity and firmness. Dermaval(tm) on its own is shown to help natural collagen production and has been shown to provide significant inhibition of both elastase and gelatinase activity in the body, helping your skin stay beautiful and healthy!

Third, they use Aloe Vera Gel Powder which is great for healing your gut, improving healing in your body, and an amazing antioxidant.

Lastly, Propello Life added Vitamin C which is crucial to the blend because Vitamin C is a main transporter of collagen into the body. If you ingest a bunch of collagen but have no Vitamin C, it is extremely difficult for the body to get the collagen where it needs to be.

Final Thoughts

There are so many options for collagen protein powders on the market. Some are inexpensive and some are very pricy.

Many of these products will add a few extra ingredients to help collagen do its job but no product that I have found includes such and amazing list of ALL the nutrients you need. In my opinion, Propello Life's Collagen+ is easily the best collagen protein powder on the market. And it is hands down the best collagen creamer I have every used in my coffee!

Try it as a creamer in your coffee or as a boost to your favorite smoothie.

Buy Now


Propello Life Collagen+ is the best collagen protein powder and healthy coffee creamer


Propello Life's CogniGreens and Collagen+ take your health and beauty routine to the next level

About the Author
Eric Doernhoefer
BA Kinesiology, CPT ACSM, Neurotype Training Specialist, Post-Rehabilitation Exercise Specialist, Gym owner, Trainer
@renovofitnessOh - Instagram
@edoernhoefer13 - Instagram personal
@doernshorts6 - Twitter
  • Kumar, S., Sugihara, F., Suzuki, K., Inoue, N., & Venkateswarathirukumara, S. (2014, May 22). A double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, randomized, clinical study on the effectiveness of collagen peptide on osteoarthritis. Retrieved February 26, 2021, from
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